Hood cleaning companies, like every other business, are always on the lookout for ways to increase revenue. They can develop new customers, of course, but another way is to provide additional products and services to current customers. One place to look for add-on opportunities in the hood cleaning realm is the restaurant rooftop, specifically the exhaust fan. We have discussed grease containment systems and hinge kits in previous blogs as two examples of fan accessories that provide protection for the restaurant and extra income for the service provider. Another often overlooked opportunity is replacement filter media. There are a fairly wide variety of grease containment systems to be found on rooftop exhaust fans. Some, like the Omni Grease Gutter and the Roof Guardian, provide extensive 360-degree coverage. Then there are smaller systems that provide protection only beneath the grease drain spout. Often, these are included with the fan or are added at a later time so the restaurant can comply with codes, fire marshal directives or complaints from landlords. These smaller units usually come with some type of grease absorbing filter media. This media is supposed to be replaced with a new filter when it becomes saturated with grease. Frequently, that important job is overlooked or forgotten. In many cases the restaurant owner or maintenance personnel don’t even know this job is supposed to be performed on a timely basis. The result is often a grease covered roof and the myriad of bad consequences that are possible.

This is when a well-prepared cleaning crew and properly stocked truck can save the day. An alert crew will check the rooftop area around the exhaust fan for grease as part of the overall service they provide. If grease is there, check to see where it is coming from and if there is a grease containment system in place. If there is no system, make sure to notify the restaurant owner or other responsible party that a problem exists that needs tending to. If a grease containment system is in place, check the filters to see what condition they are in. Since there is grease on the roof, most likely they are saturated. If you have filter media on your truck, in a variety of sizes and configurations, you can remedy the problem on the spot. Take before and after pictures so you can show the restaurant individual in charge the problem and how you corrected it. That’s how you prevent a small problem from becoming a big one while adding to your company’s bottom line.

The Omni Containment Systems product line includes grease absorbent filter media of many shapes and sizes to fit any grease containment system you may encounter. Stock your hood cleaning trucks with a decent supply and watch your profits climb!